Emendation to yesterday's entry: for 'births, marriages and deaths', you may read "dropping sprogs, swapping snogs and popping clogs". And I think that's very clever.

The big news here in America today is of course that some partial nudity was shown on national television. This is all the fault of that young rapscallion, from 'N-S*n#y@c, "Justin Timberlake [tore] off part of Janet Jackson's costume, exposing her right breast". [Advance crap pun warning: you may wish to prepare yourself for a crap pun]. He appeared somewhat contrite afterwards, blaming the whole thing on a "wardrobe malfunction". [Crap pun imminent] Poor boy, he seemed so embarassed. [All together now...] I bet he felt a right tit.

No one seems to have mentioned that there was also an actual real streaker at the game. But they aren't famous, so they aren't important.

I should point out that I didn't actually watch any of this. Couldn't be bothered. Easier just to watch the Daily Show deconstruction of the events.

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