Some exciting news that adds further credence to those who claim that this is really a blog after all. I went to visit a well known internet technology company yesterday afternoon. I was going to tell you all about it, but when I got there I had to sign a very hefty NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement, for those not in the know; NTBCW [Not To Be Confused With] NWA). So comprehensive were the restrictions that I signed up to that I'm not even sure that I can even tell you that I signed an NDA without violating it.

So, for the sake of simplicity, let's suppose that this company specialises in helping people find particular pieces of information buried deep within the writings of top russian authors -- let's call them Gogol.com -- and they have branches opening around the world. Anyway, the New York office is not as full of cool stuff as the West Coast branch is supposed to be. They do have some pretty decorations, and lava-lamps on the corner of cubicle. And bean bags. I walked out of there with a free t-shirt, which puts me in an exclusive club with along with about a million other people.

Getting back I listened to an album by Bomb The Bass and was a little startled to hear the lyrics "Bug Powder Dust and Mugwump Jism". You probably have to be me for that to make any sense.

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