No Comment

The more tedious amongst you (that is, those of you who read this blog directly, rather than via some complex RSS syndication via Neptune or whatever), will notice that I've switched on the comments feature on blogger.

The circumstances are thus: last night my tame Ivy League Professor came by, and muttered something about comments. Over the course of a meal he strongarmed me into switching them on. Very well; consider this an experiment. I can take this opportunity to remind you of the terms and conditions of reading this non-blog and of commiting its contents to memory (electronic or biological). These are, that this communication is strictly one way. That is, I speak and you listen. Therefore, anyone who posts a comment is in strict violation of these terms and conditions, and will be banned immediately, with no appeals process.

Now that I've made that clear, carry on as you were.


Hugh said...

What did I tell you? No comments!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Is the "No comments" comment in response to the "Ok", or was the "Ok" in response to that? I'm confused, and the confusing time stamping of only the time and not the date is confusing me.

Anonymous said...


Hugh said...

...and that, I suppose, is an example of bottom posting...