Words of the day:

pottery: small and mostly inconsequential acts, such as picking stuff up and moving it, or arranging files on a computer, which give the person doing them a small amount of satisfaction. Derived from "pottering about"

bibliotheism: belief system in which believers are convinces that they are characters in a novel. Consequently, they believe that many outside events are the works of an all-powerful and inscrutable author. They are wont to speculate on the exact genre of the novel they are in (comic, dramatic, romantic or satiric). Certain bibliotheists go further to speculate on the existence of critics who may analyze the plotting and characterization of the Author, probably negatively.

Also, people who eat meat for breakfast are weird. I know that it's surely far more natural to have meat than pieces of puffed cereals fashioned into the vague shape of cartoon characters, but I just think that these freaks who pile on great lumps of ham and sausage meat for breakfast are crazy. Is that so wrong?

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