Who's afraid?

Still not got round to seeing the HHGTG yet, but I have been enjoying some of the details hidden in the all new Doctor Who show. The main plots are so-so so far, but the gentle background hinting about the Time War has been quite intruiging, especially since this seems to be a entierly in keeping with the vast non-canon realm of novels and audio dramas that have been produced in the last decade or so.

For a while, I was puzzled about the graffiti'd message on the Tardis:

Turns out that this is actually a leitmotif for the whole series: this phrase seems to crop up in every episode so far. Subtly done. And in addition, there are a couple of interesting websites playing off this.

Also good to see that UNIT are stationed in Maidstone Barracks...


Anonymous said...

Do you get these things from word of the day toilet paper, or are you just clever?

Anonymous said...

I'd have preferred if they'd written uck Wa instead