A few short things before I forget them.

1. An entry below appears twice. Not my fault. Can't be bothered to delete the duplicate.

2. The Angel in question is the Angel from DC. I'd link to her blog, but I... don't seem to be about to do so.

3. Boston is in Lincolnshire, not Lancashire. But I still like the coinage "Yankashire".

4. The correct answer was (a).

Now, some more user interactivity. How come I can get to sleep easily when it is raining outside and there is the sound of the rain falling, but not so easily when there is music playing but all I can hear is the drumbeat. Both are at the same volume, so why is the regular noise much more difficult to ignore than the random one? Answers on the back of an email to the regular address. To ensure prompt attention, please send your answers at 2am on Sunday morning EST (7am UK time), since this is the time when I receive least email and hence it is most likely to garner (jennifer) a response. cheers.

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