Evening all. I've recently been fiddling around with my computer setup. I'm typing this on my laptop that I have brought back from the dead with a replacement power supply. Fans of my ill-fated laptop will recall that the springs don't work, hence why I am crouched on the edge of the sofa while the laptop is propped up on a chair in front of me, with wires trailing from all directions. This is progress, since it allows me to watch repeats of the Late Show while I type this. Those campaign jokes about the california recall election just keep getting funnier and funnier.

Anyway, what else is up? I feel a little disconcerted, since I did a quick google search for "scribobble", to see how people defined the word, and I discover that there are no hits for it on google, nor even any on Teoma. How can this be? If scribobble isn't a word, then what word am I thinking of? And what does scribobble mean?

I mean, obviously, a scribobble is a doodle which has consists of loops in a circular pattern, much like a manual version of a spirograph pattern (spirograph: 31,500 hits on google; doodle: 1.5million), but that's only one meaning. I'm now deeply confused about who has stolen the other meanings of scribobble (not to be confused with scrobble: 185 hits on google, most of them to do with the scrobbler plug in for winamp).

Hey, Teoma now have a google-style toolbar searchy thing plug in. And you can also get one from altavista (yes, they are stil going). Which leads to the following challenge: how many search engine toolbars can you collect, and install on your computer? Can you install so many search engine toolbars that there is no more space left in your browser to read webpages? Just an idea.

Oh yes, I know: new lolly stick joke. But I'll keep you waiting for a little while longer.

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