Solely for my own benefit, some updates to how to create PDFs from Latex/Overleaf that meet the PDF/A standard required by various publishers, whose own instructions miss out several important features.
- The final missing piece: make sure that hyperref receives the pdfa option. In particular, if you are using acmclass call it with
Or similar adaptation, e.g., \documentclass[sigconf, nonacm, pdfa]{acmart}. Yes, I'm looking at you, PVLDB.
Throw in
I've no idea if this does anything useful, but why not?
Go back to your plots in python, and make sure that Matplotlib is instructed to not use type 3 fonts. The correct answer is of course 42, as in
or something similar.import matplotlib matplotlib.rcParams['pdf.fonttype'] = 42 matplotlib.rcParams['ps.fonttype'] = 42
Hopefully that will do it. Web services like can be useful at debugging things, if you don't mind uploading your documents to a random server, and running out of free goes.