
One of the tasks in This Academic Life is to read other people's papers in minute detail, and then write scathing criticisms of them for all to enjoy. Being a tedious anal retentive type, I keep detailed records about everything I've reviewed, and am thus able to produce detailed analyses of what I have looked at over the past year. So, here for your delight and my anality, is a careful look at exactly what I've been reading since records began (1998):

2005: 62 (including 12 journals)
2004: 52 (including 6 journals)
2003: 7 (including 6 journals)
2002: 4 (no journals)
2001: 0
2000: 2 (no journals)
1999: 6 (3 journals)
1998: 1 (no journals)

Note that journal papers are meant to require more effort and time to referee than conference or other papers. These numbers are getting quite large. I'm averaging roughly one conference paper a week and one journal paper a month. Since papers typically receive three reviews, and I had seven conference papers and two journal paers published in 2005, I figure that I'm putting in much more than I am getting out. Maybe I'll start saying 'no' in 2006.

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