You for coffee?

In some ways, it's thoroughly reassuring that journalists are prepared to put the level of effort and research necessary to create an article like this one.

Context-free link to The High Life video:


Hindsight is 50:50

About a decade and a half ago, I was desperately seeking a Black Box Recorder cover version of "Is that all there is?".  Still no sign of that, but the PJ Harvey version is now but a few clicks away thanks to the archival nature of ute yube.


The one thousandth

The dubiously reliable internal counter for this blog indicates that this is the one thousandth entry. To mark this entirely arbitrary number based on a quirk of mammalian evolution, I've chosen to Witter on about a topic of no consequence, as an epitome of this sporadic medium.

If this post looks different to the 999 that have preceded it, it's because it has been composed on mobile telephonic device. Having recently  succumbed to this modern wonder, I find that I can express my innermost thoughts on the go by the simple expedient of texting this entry to a special number, 100 characters at a time. This could change everything. Or nothing.


Iain "Duncan" Smith is increasingly starting to sound like John Lloyd.  One is a legendary producer of laughable, satirical material that no one can take seriously, the other... [you can fill the rest in yourself, do I have to do all your work for you?


Things that continue to annoy me

People who use "epsfig". It's 2008, folks! Use \includegraphics, for goodness sake.

[This is a post that seems to have got caught in the drafts section for a decade or so]

Lies My Credit Card Has Told Me

In the words of Republica, "I know my ex-boyfriend lies, oh he does it every time". In this case, it's a credit card. And not strictly lying, more like deliberately misleading. I suppose we are used to this as a society by now, but it's still somewhat annoying. In this case, I'm referring to the American Express Blue Cash Card. "Earn up to 5% back" screams the headline, and you know that it's lying to you, or at least trying to mislead.

[This is a post that seems to have got caught in the drafts section for a decade or so]

[This post appears to be an early fragment of this one for 2004:

Lying cheating swindling scum of the day

Answering my own questions

As I was asking barely 15 years ago, "What would happen if Jack Black met Jack White (the White stripes)?"

As it turns out, an answer has recently been given: 

So there you go.