Ah yes, I've remembered what it was that was so vitally important to mention, but I didn't. It came to me as I was clearing up the mess from the spilt wine. I want to make this clear, by the way, I sometimes have a little glass of wine in the evening. I'm not an alcoholic, just a small glass, it's supposed to be good for you. Anyway, I accidentally knocked the glass over -- a little clumsy, but not really my fault, it was probably just the effects of the bottle of whisky I downed to whet my palate -- but anyway. It's amazing what it takes to get me to finally clear up all the mass of papers on my desk, and in this case it was 100ml of cheap merlot threatening to take down the DSL modem if I didn't do something about it. Forunately, it turned out that the big stack of paperwork was mostly old drafts of stuff that I had been working on, so nothing important was lost. All this has absolutely nothing to do with this link, which is to a cartoon called The Ambiguously Gay Duo. I think it was pretty well known in the US, but I'd never heard of it before, so I thought you might appreciate it. It's kind of crass and monotonous, but that's how I like my humour. Find the movies on your favourite p2p network if the links on the page aren't working.

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